"Anime Music Festival 2014" is an event exposing anime with its huge Malaysian following which shall comprise of two concerts and a major cosplay competition. The concerts shall feature popular international artsts such as Norihiko Hibino, Eir Aoi, Yuyoyuppe and Hachioji-P.
"Anime Music Festival 2014" will be at Istana Budaya Kuala Lumpur on 24 and 25 May 2014.
Title: Anime Music Festival
Date: 24/5/2014 (Day 1)
Time: 8.30pm
Artist: Norihiko Hibino, Motsu x DJ Kaya
Tickets: 80,120,160,180,220
Date: 25/5/2014 (Day 2)
Time: 3pm
Artist: Eir Aoi, Yuyoyuppe, Hachioji-P