在12號凌晨,BioWare公司確認質量效應4要採用DICE公司的寒霜引擎2(Frostbite2),BioWare位於加拿大工作室的經理表示: “will be built with the amazing technology of Frostbite as its foundation” and that it will be “ 會用驚人的寒霜引擎來製作它會有的"模樣",更驚人的載具?實際穿梭宇宙?更多的外星科技? Roy在遊戲方面還提到:"will be very respectful of the heritage built over the course of the first three games",” but that “with the original trilogy now concluded and the switch over to a new engine, we are exploring new directions, both on the gameplay and story fronts.” 也就是以前所擁有的系統會被傳統得留下,不會因為換季和換引擎而更改以前的遊戲特性。 但跟隨著三部曲的結束,新系列遊戲將要前往另一個方向前進,也就是玩家們昔知的Shepard不會再是主角了,但是沒有說未來不會出現!! ” However, “you can still expect the pillars the franchise is known for to be fully intact, including diverse alien races, a huge galaxy to explore, and of course rich, cinematic storytelling.” 然而遊戲怎麼變化,在新系列還是可以體驗到探索星球和認識不同的外星種族,劇情還是會跟以前一樣的豐富。 所以代表著會有新種族和全新的威脅出現?這還是老樣得讓人興奮~