- 表單截止時間:12/26 中午 12:00。
- 名單公布時間:12/26 下午 4:00,將公布抽選結果。
- 付款流程:繳費相關表單會與抽選結果一起發布,請中選者於12/30 中午 12:00 前完成付款以確認參賽資格。
- 未滿249人無需抽選全為正取,若超過249人將進行抽選至249人。
- 本場比賽將不會有二次抽選,不進行候補。
● 2024/1/5(日) 早上9:00開始報到,報到時間至9:45截止
● 2024/1/5 (Sunday)Check in at 09:00 a.m to 09:45 a.m
??【票價】/【Ticket fare】
● NTD 700/張,每人限購一張。人數上限249人 / NTD 700 per ticket, limited to one ticket per person. Maximumcapacity: 249 people.
● 標準構築 / Standard constructed
● BO3瑞士制,每局60分鐘 / BO3 swiss rounds, 60 minute per round.
● 依參賽人數舉行數輪瑞士制對局,最多8輪 / Swiss rounds based on attendance, with a maximum of eight rounds.
● 瑞士制對局結束後,依參賽人數與排名頒發獎品 / After the swiss rounds, prizes awarded based on ranking andattendance.
??【注意事項】/【Important Notes】
● 根據發行商規定,參賽者若未完成 3 場對局或提前離場,將無法領取參賽獎,且報名費亦不予退還。/ According to the publisher's regulations, participants who fail tocomplete three matches or leave early will not be eligible to receiveparticipation rewards, and the registration fee will not be refunded.
● 確定中選名單的玩家請在1/2(四) 前確保參賽時Discord名稱,更改為Omnidex 名稱及ID,以便主辦單位分辨。/ Selected players must update their Discord name to include theirOmnidex name and ID by Thursday, January 2, to ensure identification bythe organizers during the competition.
● 在對戰前需注意畫面卡片是否有反光以及連線品質,如有相關問題需立即調整。/ Before starting the match, please ensure there are no reflectionson the card display and that the connection quality is stable. If any issuesarise, please address them immediately.
● 對局中若發生畫面黑屏情況,黑屏的一方將被判定敗北。請雙方玩家在比賽過程中務必注意,確保對局順利進行。/ If a black screen occurs during the match, the sideexperiencing the black screen will be deemed the loser. Both players are kindlyreminded to stay vigilant during the match to ensure a smooth gameplayexperience.
??【活動地點】 / 【Venue】
??【預計賽程】/ 【Schedule】
09:00 開始報到 / Check in
09:45 報到截止 / Registration Stop
09:50 玩家會議 / Player meeting
10:00 第一局 / Round 1
11:10 第二局 / Round 2
12:20 第三局 / Round 3
13:30 第四局 / Round 4
14:40 第五局 / Round 5
15:50 第六局 / Round 6 (33人以上開賽時增加本輪對局)/ Round 6 (more than 33 players)
17:00 第七局 / Round 7 (65人以上開賽時增加本輪對局)/ Round 7 (more than 65 players)
18:10 第八局 / Round 8 (128人以上開賽時增加本輪對局)/ Round 8 (more than 128 players)
19:00 賽程結束 / Tournament End
??【獎品】/ 【Prize】
● 基於獎品運送的相關考量。臺灣地區玩家不需支付額外運費,非臺灣地區的參賽者須自行承擔額外海外運費。/ Based on considerations regarding prize shipping, players inTaiwan do not need to pay additional shipping fees, while participants outsideTaiwan must bear the additional overseas shipping costs themselves.
● 參賽獎 / All players
AMB Event Pack*2 + AMBSapphire Pack*1 + AMB補充包*3
● 冠軍
東南亞賽區 Nationals 資格卡*1 + AMB Regional 冠軍桌墊*1 + AMB Regional 入圍桌墊*1 + AMB Event Pack*4 + MRC Sapphire Pack*2 + AMB補充包*10
● 2 - 8 名
東南亞賽區 Nationals 資格卡*1 + AMB Regional 入圍桌墊*1 + AMB Event Pack*4 + MRC Sapphire Pack*2 + AMB補充包*2
● 9 - 16 名
東南亞賽區 Nationals 資格卡*1 + AMB Regional 入圍桌墊*1